Use this template to mention a term or phrase within running text (e.g. in ===Etymology=== and ====Usage notes==== sections). Use {{l}}
instead in lists or heads to avoid italicizing.
This template shows the term or phrase (optionally linked) in the appropriate font (user-customizable for Latin/Roman script mentions), along with its transliteration and English gloss translation, if any.
From {{term|word}} + ... From {{term|verbo|verbō}} + ... From {{term|verbo|verbō|for the word}} + ... From {{term|word||unit of speech}} + ... From {{term|sc=Grek|λόγος|tr=lógos}} + ... From {{term|sc=Grek|λόγος|tr=lógos||word}} + ... From {{term|mot|lang=fr}} + ... From {{term|word#Verb|word}} + ... From {{term||[[cor#Latin|Cor]] [[Carolus#Latin|Carolī]]|Charles' heart}} + ...
- From word + ...
- From verbō + ...
- From verbō (“for the word”) + ...
- From word (“unit of speech”) + ...
- From λόγος (lógos) + ...
- From λόγος (lógos, “word”) + ...
- From mot + ...
- From word + ...
- From Cor Carolī (“Charles' heart”) + ...
កែប្រែIf the mentioned term or phrase should link to a Wiktionary entry, use positional parameter {{{1}}}:
From {{term|word}} + ...
- From word + ...
If the mentioned term or phrase should also show alternate text, use positional parameter {{{2}}}:
From {{term|verbo|verbō}} + ...
- From verbō + ...
If the mentioned term or phrase should be followed by an English gloss translation, use positional parameter {{{3}}}:
From {{term|verbo|verbō|for the word}} + ...
- From verbō (“for the word”) + ...
If the mentioned term needs clarification, use named parameter {{{pos}}} for the part of speech, {{{lit}}} for the literal translation, or both. {{{pos}}}'s values are abbreviations of the part-of-speech names (a, adv, int, n, pron, v, vi, vt, or vti) or any text:
From {{term|deus ex machina|deus ex māchinā|device|pos=n|lit=god from a device}}
- From deus ex māchinā (“device”, នាម, កម្ចីតាមន័យ “god from a device”)
From {{term|deus ex machina|deus ex māchinā||lit=god from a device}}
- From deus ex māchinā (កម្ចីតាមន័យ “god from a device”)
Note that {{{2}}} can be omitted, even when showing the gloss:
From {{term|word||unit of speech}} + ...
- From word (“unit of speech”) + ...
If the mentioned term or phrase should not be linked to a Wiktionary entry, omit positional parameter {{{1}}}:
Proto-Indo-European base *{{term||werə-|to speak}}.
- Proto-Indo-European base *werə- (“to speak”).
Alternatively, use the {{proto}}
If the mentioned term or phrase is written in a non-Roman script, use named parameter {{{sc}}} to indicate the ISO 15924 script code (list) or any other script template and {{{tr}}} to indicate the Latin (Roman) script transcription:
From {{term|sc=polytonic|λόγος|tr=lógos}} + ...
From {{term|sc=polytonic|λόγος|tr=lógos||word}} + ...
- From λόγος (lógos) + ...
- From λόγος (lógos, “word”) + ...
To create a language-section-specific link for the term or phrase, use the named parameter {{{lang}}} with the ISO 639 language code:
From {{term|mot|lang=fr}} + ...
- From mot + ...
To create a link to an ad-hoc section, use the #section syntax:
From {{term|word#Verb|word}} + ...
- From word + ...
To customize the wikilinks, omit the first parameter and write the wikilink markup in the second parameter:
From {{term||[[cor#Latin|Cor]] [[Carolus#Latin|Carolī]]|Charles' heart}} + ...
- From Cor Carolī (“Charles' heart”) + ...
កែប្រែThe outcome of Wiktionary:Votes/2007-10/style for mentioned terms will determine the default style for terms mentioned with this template. The preliminary default for Latin-script (i.e. Roman script, not just Latin-language) terms and phrases is italics. Readers can easily toggle the output from italics to bold by selecting “Show other Latin (Roman) script mentions in bold” from WT:PREFS. Alternatively, or for more advanced customization, readers can add styles to their style sheets as described in WT:CUSTOM:
- For plain format (e.g.: From mot + ...):
.mention-Latn { font-style: normal }
- For bold format (e.g.: From mot + ...):
.mention-Latn { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal }
- For italicized format (e.g.: From mot + ...):
.mention-Latn { font-style: italic }
Further, the default style of the subsequent English translation glosses is in double quotes (pending a vote to approve this template). Readers can easily change the output to single quotes by selecting “Show English glosses for mentioned terms in single quotes” from WT:PREFS.