Documentation for this module may be created at Module:eve-translit/doc
local export = {}
local u = mw.ustring.char
local MACRON = u(0x0304)
local DOTABOVE = u(0x0307)
local tab = {
["А"]='A', ["а"]='a', ["Б"]='B', ["б"]='ʙ', ["В"]='W', ["в"]='w',
["Е"]='E', ["е"]='e', ["Ё"]='Jo', ["ё"]='jo', ["Г"]='G', ["г"]='g',
["Д"]='D', ["д"]='d', ["И"]='I', ["и"]='i', ["Ӣ"]='Ī', ["ӣ"]='ī',
["Й"]='J', ["й"]='j', ["К"]='K', ["к"]='k', ["Л"]='L', ["л"]='l',
["М"]='M', ["м"]='m', ["Н"]='N', ["н"]='n', ["Ӈ"]='Ŋ', ["ӈ"]='ŋ',
["О"]='O', ["о"]='o', ["Ө"]='Ö', ["ө"]='ö', ["Ӫ"]='Ö', ["ӫ"]='ö',
["П"]='P', ["п"]='p', ["Р"]='R', ["р"]='r', ["С"]='S', ["с"]='s',
["Т"]='T', ["т"]='t', ["У"]='U', ["у"]='u', ["Ӯ"]='Ū', ["ӯ"]='ū',
["Ф"]='F', ["ф"]='f', ["Х"]='H', ["х"]='h', ["Ч"]='C', ["ч"]='c',
["Ы"]='I', ["ы"]='i', ["Э"]='Ə', ["э"]='ə', ["Ю"]='Ju', ["ю"]='ju',
["Я"]='Ẹ', ["я"]='ẹ', -- Not present in the original latinisation
-- non-native letters
["Ж"]='Z', ["ж"]='z', ["З"]='Z', ["з"]='z',
["Ц"]='C', ["ц"]='c', ["Ш"]='S', ["ш"]='s', ["Щ"]='S', ["щ"]='s',
['Ъ']='ʺ', ['ъ']='ʺ', ["Ь"]="’", ["ь"]="’",
-- non-standard letters
["Ҕ"]='Γ', ["ҕ"]='γ', ["Ҥ"]='Ŋ', ["ҥ"]='ŋ', ["Ү"]='Ü', ["ү"]='ü',
["Һ"]='Ḥ', ["һ"]='ḥ', ["Ӄ"]='Q', ["ӄ"]='q'
local iotatedTranslit = {
["е"] = "je",
["я"] = "ja",
["и"] = "ji",
["ӣ"] = "jī",
["Е"] = "Je",
["Я"] = "Ja",
local replacements = {
{ "Ё", 'Jo' },
{ "ё", 'jo' },
{ "Ӫ", 'Jö' },
{ "ӫ", 'jö' },
{ "Ю", 'Ju' },
{ "ю", 'ju' },
-- Unfortunately the Cyrillic alphabet doesn't distinguish between ʒe and ʒə
{ "Де", 'Ʒe' },
{ "де", 'ʒe' },
{ "Не", 'Ņe' },
{ "не", 'ņe' },
{ "Ди", 'Ʒi' },
{ "ди", 'ʒi' },
{ "Ни", 'Ņi' },
{ "ни", 'ņi' },
{ "Дя", 'Ʒa' },
{ "дя", 'ʒa' },
{ "Ня", 'Ņa' },
{ "ня", 'ņa' },
{ "Дj", 'Ʒ' },
{ "дj", 'ʒ' },
{ "Нj", 'Ņ' },
{ "нj", 'ņ' },
-- The following is non-standard but supposedly used in non-standard spelling and dialect forms
{ "Дь", 'Ʒ' },
{ "дь", 'ʒ' },
{ "Нь", 'Ņ' },
{ "нь", 'ņ' },
{ "Нг", 'Ŋ' },
{ "нг", 'ŋ' },
function, lang, sc)
local ugsub, str_gsub = mw.ustring.gsub, string.gsub
local UTF8char = '[\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*'
for i, replacement in ipairs(replacements) do
text = str_gsub(text, unpack(replacement))
-- е after a vowel or at the beginning of a word becomes ye
-- Again, the Cyrillic alphabet doesn't distinguish between je and jə
text = ugsub(text,
function(preceding, iotated)
return preceding .. iotatedTranslit[iotated]
text = ugsub(text, "^[ЕеЯя]", iotatedTranslit)
text = ugsub(text, "([^Ѐ-ӿ])([ЕеЯя])",
function(preceding, iotated)
return preceding .. iotatedTranslit[iotated]
text = str_gsub(text, UTF8char, tab)
return text
return export